Whenever Dave Rance turns up at The Peartree Jazz Club, Welwn Garden City, which is pretty often, he always gets a warm reception even if he comes without his famed Rockin’ Chair Band. But when he turns up with the band the fans’ applause raises the roof!
Even more so when the band features a very special guest star, Peartree’s very own Smiffy (aka Brian Smith), the Club’s promoter and Master of Ceremonies, on washboard!
Dave’s gig on Monday, 19th November, was no exception. So much so that Rockin’ Chair gave their exuberant fans a full ten minutes extra time.

L to R: Derek Scofield, Mike Brewerton, Dave Rance, Henry Harrison, John Bartlett, Doug Parry, Brian Webb
(Photos © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
See also:
Jazz Painting of Rance’s Rockin’ Chair Band
See also Rance’s Rockin’ Chair Band under Jazz Bands
How Dave Rance, Jazz&Jazz and Jazz Art Help Promote Jazz Bands
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