Jackie Burton Runs in Memory of Tommy Burton in the Great North Run for the Stroke Association
Hello Everyone
I have been lucky enough (I think) to earn a ballot place in this years Great North Run… only the biggest half marathon in the world! I have chosen to raise money for the Stroke Association and run in memory of Tommy Burton. Dad had devoted his life to entertaining people worldwide for over 50 years before being affected by a stroke which took away the 50 years of songs, tunes and jokes, and I know people have a lot of fond memories of him.
I will be joined by another 49,999 others on Sunday, 16 September 2012, and will run 13.1 miles (believe me, it’s a long long way!) from Newcastle to South Shields. As a relative beginner, I joined a club last November running 3 miles. I completed my first half marathon in March of this year in 2 hours, 12 minutes and 37 seconds. There is now TEN weeks to go and I am, once again, in training!
I am looking forward to this prestigious event so, in memory of Tommy, please make this run worthwhile and please give to my cause. You can do this on my Just Giving page at:
or write out a cheque payable to ‘The Stroke Association’, write your full address on the back if you wish to ‘gift aid’ and pop it in the post to:
15 Jedburgh Avenue
And so, one more time…
I Wanna Be Like You… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX1kgQSNSUE
Thank you so much everyone for your kind generosity!
Jazzy Jac
I remember him at the 100 Club and on the tarmac at New Orleans Airport: he was a lovely man who gave great joy to people.
Best wishes
Tommy was a truly iconic artist and to be remembered in this manner is indicative of the jazz fraternity. Well done, Jackie!
Way back, many years, my first visit to New Orleans, I drove down Esplanade, swung a right past the French Market, turned right up Gov. Nichols, and who was the first person I recognised crossing the road in front of me… yep, Tommy Burton. The start of a great friendship with Tom and Dottie and of course our lovely friend Jackie!
Pete and Jill
Hi Jackie
I have a very long memory of Tommy going back many years, his music humour friendship and especially that last Saturday in Bude, sitting on the bridge with your mum Dottie, who was to know what the next 24 hrs would hold?
I remember on one of my visits to New Orleans with my late wife Yvonne, I think 2000 the year you came along to help Vernbon and Veronica Ahley. Oh what memories.
Good luck with your run and I will be thinking of you.
I will send you a cheque to help your fund.
Regards Rob Jones
April 2013. Hello. This man was my idol. He was a brilliant musician. I’ve never forgotten his rendition of the Fats Waller song “There’ll be some changes made”. I have cds and a dvd of this wonderfull musician. I couldnt get to his funeral. Recently I cycled 14 miles to put some flowers on his grave and a message of my thoughts to a really great man. R.I.P Tom. Good luck, Jackie, well done!
Hello Jackie ,
the last time I saw Tommy was in Burton-on-Trent during the nineties, at the Riverside , unfortunately I couldn’t get a seat as it was sold out , however I had acquired a copy DVD of Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book which I gave to Tommy ( it had not ben released then ) ,.
I have tried to contact your Mother by telephone but I have had no luck , the point of my call to her was to enquire as to where Tommy played in New Orleans as I am going over there in October this year ( 2014 ) and also how could I purchase one of Tommy’s CDs or find out what is on them possibly ‘ Cesspools ? Jackie I must finish with something Tommy said when we were watching him at the Crest hotel in Walsall he said ” I’m going to New Orleans soon , eh why don’t you all come ? we could get a charabanc ” with a huge grin.
Sunday at the Lord Raglan was a must for me and the family. Apart from the music, comedy also a great feature. Now living in W. Australia, can only remeniss, Loved the man, a one off talent.
Hi Jackie. We have wonderful memories of your father playing in Lincolnshire at our friend Roger Gotts house and at our wedding in 1995. We were very privileged to know him and his music. We have a dvd of the whole night, if you would like a copy let me know and I will send to you. Sadly missed, he brought joy to so many. Kind regards, Annika Keelan xx
where can I get his taps or d.v.d from
As the feature try:
15 Jedburgh Avenue
Hopefully she is still contactable.
Hi if you would like to send me an email I’ll happily help you out
I am one of tommy burtons granddaughters…
[email protected]
Look forward to hearing from you
SEE ABOVE FROM ALEX BURTON: Hi if you would like to send me an email I’ll happily help you out
I am one of tommy burtons granddaughters…
[email protected]
Look forward to hearing from you
I used to go to see Tommy’s gigs lots of times at Lord Raglan Stafford Volunteer. He was brilliant we had many great times. He was a one off. Miss him very much, no one will ever be as good as him.
Mr Entertainment was our Tommy…. I first saw him at Irlham Working Mens club in the early ’80’s when I was roadying for Max Collie and Tommy’s trio was support act. Tommy had Richard Vernon and Pete Cotterill in the trio. I was setting up our P.A. system and asked Tommy if he’d like to use it rather than set his own one up, he declined the offer and set up a speaker each side and put a poise angle lamp up un top of the piano and directed it onto himself. The piano had seen better days and his speakers sounded like marbles being shaken in a biscuit tin but when he started to play and sing I was hooked and it started a friendship that lasted up to his death. I lived in Kent then and often saw Tommy playing around the Tonbridge and South London, usually with Geoff Downs on drums. One day I was looking through a box of second hand L.P’s in a shop in Gillingham and found a Tommy Burton CD and bought it. I was driving back home from the shop and out of the blue it was Max ringing to tell me that Tommy had passed away …. spooky eh?… I phoned Dot a few days later and said I’d go up to the funeral if she’d let me know when it was. It was, as it turned out, during the petrol strike and I wasn’t able to go to pay my last respects to my old mate..Fortunately I’d filmed a couple of shows on my camcorder and every now and then if I need cheering up I play them, works every time. Syd
Sundays the raglan (ring road coco rooms). The trumpet, Raglan Carpark Sunday lunch, and my
First date with my now wife at the Hotel on the Broadway? My reason for listing all the places is in February we are in New Orleans and I’d love to go to the bar / club Tommy played at when he visited there, anyone know it’s name?
Any guidance appreciated.