Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle 11th, 12th & 13th July, 2014 – Full Festival Programme


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  1. SID ANNING says:

    As most of you know I went to Ramsgate’s Seaside Shuffle, and whilst there, everything was being recorded by this guy. I heard that when the shuffle was over, that he would be putting it all on a CD; has anyone got a name and a contact address in order to find out when it’s going to be available?
    Your help would be very much appreciated.

    So sad the ‘Barnicle Bill’ has sadly left the scene after countless years on the Jazz scene. He will be missed, and I hope he enjoys his well earned retirement. But hopefully he will from time to time put in the odd appearance and give us another of his version of ‘peanuts’ What a Character.

    Whilst on holiday in Bournemouth earlier this year, I attended the bluebird club at Bournemouth which has Jazz on every Monday. Sometimes it is the resident band, and at other times guest bands. This is a wonderful club who made my partner and I feel so very welcome. If you are ever in the area, please go along to this lovely venue and support what I consider one of the best venues on the South Coast.

    Talking about venues, there is a Jazz Club at Looe Golf Club in Cornwall once a month. Once again a well run venue by Mike who keeps everything ticking along, and for £20 you get a supper plus Jazz all thrown in – cannot be bad.

    I have read the reports about Tuba Skinny, and it was Alan who runs the Bournemouth Jazz Club who told me about them, and went on line to have a look. Fantastic was my response, with fresh faced kids knocking out some wonderful songs. The Lady vocalist is outstanding.
    Just hope they visit the UK not in the too distant future.

    Thanks to everyone at Jazz & Jazz in allowing me to air my views – keep jazzing.

    Sid Anning – Plymouth

  2. Peter Butler says:

    Thanks for these great comments, Sid.

    You’ll have noticed by now that I am gradually posting YouTubes of the videos I took at Seaside Shuffle and indeed of Tuba Skinny at Fest Jazz. Watch out for more on Jazz&Jazz as I get time to produce them. Next are a couple of Barnacle Bill in the Belgian Cafe. They’ll make up for the CD you mention as this was not under the auspices of Seaside Shuffle. If I learn more I’ll let you know, although I understand his aim was to include takes of the festival on local Thanet Radio Station which I can’t seem to get.

  3. rogerallen says:

    I am the recordist who runs http://www.kaspaar.info these recordings made are NOT for resale, this was the agreement I made with the various bands before recording however they are on my website as an archive just follow the clear links to this years SS 2014 playback page or follow the link below for direct viewing of my site programmes from Mixcloud. This link http://www.kaspaar.info/Seaside%20Shuffle.htm takes you to Kaspaars page dedicated to SS playback. Feel free to view the programmes page and site of http://www.kaspaar.info. we do not specialise in music but there are many programmes archived of general interest, including jazz-n-stuff 40 hours of jazz programmes hosted by Jan-clare Side one of the finest presenters on line
    Best wishes Roger Allen


  4. Peter Butler says:

    I’m pleased to approve this, Roger.

  5. rogerallen says:

    Thank you for the Post, I am very keen Jan-Clare gets the recognition she deserves.


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